5 Essential Dental Front Desk Receptionist Duties to Skyrocket Your Practice Success

As a dental practice owner, patient retention is among your most important goals. Because your receptionist is responsible for the very first and last impression clients get of your practice, having someone well-qualified in that position is absolutely essential. So, what makes a great dental receptionist? Let’s take a look at a few of the indicators that your candidate will be able to handle the critical front desk receptionist duties that are necessary for success. What are the main dental front desk receptionist duties? Before delving into the most important qualities and skills your dental receptionist should have, it’s important to understand just what this critical role entails. Knowing what is expected of your front desk representative can help you gain better insight into what type of candidates you should consider to fill the role. Front desk receptionist duties extend far beyond simply answering phones, greeting patients and scheduling appointments. Dental rece...