Front Desk Staff - Keeping The Front Desk Presentable

One of the duties of front desk staff is preparing a presentable and welcoming lobby area for guests and clients. To achieve this, the lobby must be maintained clean, neat, and free of any clutter at all times. Magazines or any reading material such as pamphlets and brochures should be in the correct place, litter should be removed, and any used cups or glasses should be cleaned. The desk and front office should also be free from any clutter. It is also the responsibility of the front desk staff to restock any brochure or forms that are commonly used in the front desk office. In many businesses, the front desk is a busy intersection where staff and clients interact. The fast-paced atmosphere requires that the staff have an eye for detailed record keeping. With UPbook’s unique training program , the way your front desk agent deals with customers can leave a deep impression on the quality service being afforded to them.