Tips When Hiring Your Front Desk Staff


For any company or business, hiring new employees remains to be challenging and equally rewarding. Here are some to remember during the hiring process:

l  If you have competent veteran employees, you should consider hiring newbies. That way, your veteran staff can train the new hire/s.

l  When selecting whether you need to hire a veteran or a newbie, consider the nature of the task. If the job entails working at the reception area, you can hire a newbie for the job. If there is an applicant who has a certificate in a receptionist course and/or has some training or experience, you should consider the person as a good candidate for the job.

l  Hiring newbies tend to be less expensive as they can be less demanding when it comes to benefits and they are willing to receive salaries with entry-level rates. Newbies are also more enthusiastic and are willing to learn. They are also easier to manage and are prepared to work overtime.


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