6 Key Receptionist Skills And Qualities

The job of a front desk receptionist isn’t simply to check people in and point them to the waiting room. A good front desk receptionist will answer questions, greet customers in a friendly, efficient way to make customers feel relaxed and welcome, and generally make visits as smooth and positive as possible. A good receptionist can help build customer loyalty; a bad one can drive clients right out the door. But what are some of the top receptionist skills and qualities to look for? Read on to find out.

Computer Skills

Candidates don’t have to have a degree in a computer-related field to work at a front desk. However, being familiar and comfortable with basic office suite programs, including word processing and spreadsheets, is very beneficial. Even if you use other software, a good grasp of these foundation programs will definitely make it much easier for your front desk receptionist to pick up other software programs.
Keep People Coming Back With A Positive Attitude

Receptionists always face the public. It’s important for them to be able to keep personal stress, moods, and worries aside, and stay focused on work. A great attitude often goes hand-in-hand with the willingness to go the extra mile for customers, whether it’s something as simple as getting a tissue, explaining a bill, or sending an extra reminder to people with hectic, busy schedules.

Avoid Chaos, Errors, And Slip-Ups With Great Organization

Receptionists juggle many different duties, including answering phones, taking payment information, handing out forms for customers to fill out, maintaining databases, and scheduling appointments. A few years ago, the term ‘multi-tasking’ was all the rage and was something many hiring managers looked for. However, the ability to truly multitask really relies on one thing: organization.

Diffuse Tense Situations With Calmness

Interviews can be very stressful. It’s understandable for people to be a bit nervous during the application process. However, the day-to-day challenges of being a receptionist can also be difficult. A good candidate will stand up to pressure with grace and composure and will be able to stay professional, friendly, and most of all, calm, in tough situations.
Think Fast and Handle Issues With Great Problem Solving

The front desk is also often the front line, at least when it comes to customer service issues. Customers will tell the receptionist about any problems—or potential problems—first. Problem-solving ability is a great trait to have in a good receptionist. It’s also important for receptionists to know who to call if they do not have the ability or authority to dissipate tensions themselves.

Use Good Communication Tactics To Avoid Misunderstandings

Good communication skills are one of the most important receptionist skills and qualities to look for. Receptionists must be able to explain information about appointments or bills to customers without confusing them, answer questions, take important notes, and interact with both coworkers and the public clearly, concisely, and politely. Look for good grammar skills, and, in conversation, clarity of thought and explanation. Good communicating isn’t just about spelling things correctly or speaking clearly: it also entails being able to read non-verbal cues, and understanding their reactions.

Keep an eye out for candidates with these key receptionist skills and qualities -- they can make an employee really stand out.


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