Hiring A Star Front Desk Agent - Mastering The Art Of Interview

Searching for that top-rate front desk agent can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. There will surely be a lot of people who will respond to your ad and be mastering the art of the interview can help you pick out the best one for the job. Here are some tips that you may find useful during interviews:

l  Have at least two interviews for each candidate, that is a one-on-one and one group session. The group interview will be an ideal venue to see how well a certain candidate interacts and blends with the team.

l  Interviews can be nerve-wracking not only for the candidates but also for the one doing the interviews. When you do get the nerves, always remind yourself that this is an important step towards achieving a long and fruitful professional relationship.

l  The atmosphere of interviews should be like conversations, not interrogations.

l  UPbook also recommends asking questions that are straight, applicable, and experiential to help determine a candidate’s competency and how they fit in your culture of work.


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